camino a la cortina 119

Property highlights

Main amenities

  • Lounges/bars
  • Outdoor pool
  • Indoor pool
  • Fire safety compliant
  • Hot breakfast
  • Continental breakfast
  • Phone services
  • Meeting rooms
  • Private bath or shower
  • Coffee shop
  • Lunch served in restaurant
  • Meal plan available
  • Restaurant
  • Concierge desk
  • Bell staff/porter
  • High speed internet access
  • Air conditioning
  • Pool
  • Non-smoking rooms (generic)
  • Fax service
  • Photocopy center

Room Information

  • Total rooms (85)
Gama Rincon de Santiago is characterized for serving customers who require lodging and food services for business or pleasure meetings a place where nature is enjoyed to the maximum the areas that have been reforested to complement the trails and canyons where you can do physical or recreational activities the beautiful landscapes of the mountainous areas and the dam.
Map See on map